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🤓 Ways To Improve Your Grades If You're Underperforming ⬇👩🏼‍🎓

IQ Online Learning

Getting good grades 💯 in school is important as it will open up many doors for your future, such as getting into a good college or university 🏫. It will also help you build a better future for yourself 👏.

Why are getting good grades important?

 1) Getting good grades boosts your self-confidence in your learning 😊.

 2) Opens the door to be accepted into college/university 🏫.

 3) Motivates you to work towards achieving your goals 🎯.

Here are 5 tips to help you improve your grades if you are underperforming in school:

1. Be positive ➕

Receiving lower ⬇ grades can be discouraging, demotivating and you may tell yourself “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do this” 😪. The first step to improving your grades is to change your mindset 🧠 – think positively. Start by mentally taking control of your school work and instead of telling yourself that you are not good enough start telling yourself “I can and I will do better than this” or “I will achieve my goals” ⭐💯👏🏼.

“A positive mind produces positive results”

2. Talk to your teachers 👩🏼‍🎓➡👩🏼‍🏫

Your teachers may know you best 👌🏼. Ask them about which areas you need to improve to do better, then draw up a plan of how you are going to achieve better grades.

3. Find the right learning style for you ✅

If you’re underperforming academically ⬇👩🏼‍🎓, it’s possible that you haven’t found the right learning style for you. Try different methods and see what suits you best 👌🏼.

Example: If you have been working/ studying on your own 🧍‍♀️, try studying with a friend or two 👩🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏽 so there’s someone else to motivate you 👏🏼.

4. Take extra one-on-one lessons 👩🏼‍🎓➡👩🏼‍🏫

Ask a teacher or someone who is trained to help you through extra lessons.📖 This will help you focus on your goals 🎯 as an individual.

Benefits of one-on-one lessons:

> One-on-one lessons can help teachers get to know their students’ needs fully and keep track of their progress.

> Students can focus on only the areas they may need to improve on.

> Helps students feel motivated as they have more time to focus on their personal goals.

Boy watching the laptop while writing and listening through his earphones

Here are some ways to improve 👌🏼 your performance by making learning fun 🥳:

 1) Try listening to calming/ relaxing music while studying 🎵.

 2) Turn your course content into quizzes 🤔, for example, if you’re reading a storybook, create a quiz for yourself to practise after reading the book 📕🧾.

3) A change in location is sometimes good 🏕, try to do your homework or study outside where it's quiet and calm.

 4) Try to combine your studies with other activities such as sports 🏃🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♀️ or hobbies. For example, you could go for a run 🏃🏼‍♂️ while listening to an audiobook or jog and recite any new vocabulary or grammar structures you learn 👏🏼.

Collage of students doing different educational activities

"Education is the key 🔑 to unlock your future and change the world" 🌎

Let us know what helps you study and achieve academically in the comments section below.

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